Friday, September 14, 2007

Games: Halo 3 is Coming

In case you haven't heard, a small game by the name of Halo 3 is coming out in a week and a half. yadda yadda yadda, so yes. Let me first say that when I first heard about the game my feeling was "meh". Since then, I've gone from "meh", to "OMFG", and "WTF". Today is a meh+10 day. Well, I'm going to brining together all of the viral marketing, news, features and what not here in the last week or so before the launch.  So, the next post(will be up later) is gonna be on the viral campaign. Right now, here are some fun facts.

  • Halo 3 offers 4 player online co-op
  • The Halo 3 marketing campaign cost over $10 Million.
  • Halo 3 comes with a built in map editor called Forge
  • Halo 3 allows you to record multiplayer match's and send them to friends(unsure what the res is)
  • New weapons include a Spartan Laser; Heavy Machine Gun; Flame Thrower; Missile Pod; Gravity Hammer; Mauler(Covenant Shotgun); and Brute Spiker.

So, later today, I'll give you a break down of the viral marketing campaign and what it all means.


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