Even though the new version of the zune software is set t come out soon, I figured I'd let you know how the current zune software holds up. After using it, i can make this a very very short review.
Have you used Windows Media Player 11? Looks sharp right? Got a good mental image in your head of how all the artists, albums, and songs look? Now take away the sharp black/blue color and put a poop brown color there instead. Boom, you got the zune software.
i had hoped that Microsoft would put forth some effort, but they just modded WMP11 a bit and called it a day. Its not that bad, but if WMP can handle the zune, I'll use that as its easier on the eyes. Hopefully v.2 of the zune software will actually take a step or two away from WMP and establish its self as a independent music managing platform.
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