Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Force Unleashed, on the Wii?

That appears to be the case. LucasArts said a while back that they were working on a game for the Wii that would use it like a lightsaber (ala Zelda style). Well, they have announced that the game is The Force Unleashed. Now, I've heard this game is for the PS3, 360, PS2, DS, and PSP....but the Wii? I'll stick by it for now, but it seems like it may be to much. We'll see in Spring of '08.



Anonymous said...

Haha, yah right keep dreaming, and Gears of war is going to be released for the Atari 2600.

mSeliga said...

Well the PS2, PSP, and DS version have dumbed down graphics and don't have the cool euphoria engine, so it is possible.

Here is a article which also states that LA is coming out with TFU for the Wii.;title;2

Unknown said...

I agree with mseliga. Its not exactly 'far-fetched'.

There is usually 1 good Star Wars game per Nintendo system that acts as a system seller.

N64 had Rogue Squadron and the Cube and Rogue Squadron: Rebel Leader or something like that.

..but those were exclusives. maybe Nintendo needs some more mainstream titles aside from Metroid for the WII.

NEVER underestimate Lucas' penchant for making money.