Thursday, August 30, 2007

Windows Vista SP1 Initial Reaction

 Many companies and business partners of Microsoft have been keen to stay away from Vista until the first service pack. Microsoft continued to deny it's existence and insisted that "Vanilla Vista" was stable and secure enough for business to run. Finally after 5 months of denial, Microsoft has fessed up.

Many people may still have the idea of a service pack being like SP2 for XP. Sp2 was a rarity. Service packs are supposed to be more like a large collection of bug fixes and some small fixes here or there to make the OS more stable, not to add new functionally like SP2 did.

I got my hands on the August beta of Sp1, and it's like I thought. It has various fixes to stability, security, and some performance tweaks to IE and other programs to make them run a tad faster. The major thing about SP1 is a complete re-haul of the kernel. Basically, they enhanced the security on it.

And that's about it. Microsoft has a overview of the changes HERE at their site. And, Sp1 is due out the same time as Windows Server 2008, in Q1.



1 comment:

Unknown said...

So annoying.

They put out an OS that doesn't work and 'just' when they release the service pack that makes everything stable (finally) - its time for the next operating system.

--action desc="shakes head"/--