Friday, August 31, 2007

Apple: No More Love from NBC(/feign surprise)

It seems today, that NBC finally said, "Goodbye iTunes, and thanks for all the fish". NBC announced that they were no longer going to offering their shows on the iTunes Music Store effective immediately. Apple has attempted to shift the blame by saying that NBC wanted $4.99 per episode.

This comes as little surprise as NBC is partially owned by Microsoft anyway, but it did seem sudden. As of this time, I was unable to find any NBC shows, when yesterday, they could be found. Wether Apple and NBC(see: Microsoft) will kiss up, is beyond me. I never watch much TV on my iPod anyway.


Apple: iPhone Unlocking gone bad.

By now, most of you know about the multiple iPhone unlocks that are happening right now. Well, these two guys got a hold of the software portion, and directions on the hardware part and decided to go ahead. They say that the software hack went fine. So, they started to open up the iPhone. Things were going fine when...

it exploded in a puff of smoke.

From the pictures and their explanation, it seems that they hit the battery, which will explode/puff white smoke when punctured. The lesson in all this? Take your time and be careful when opening your iPhone.


Sony Rolls to the Beat

I saw a interesting video today. Sony has released this video of a device called a "Rolly". The device appears to be football shaped with two wheels that are about a 1/4 of the way in on each side.  It also has two lights that wrap around it. It's also very small. About the size of your hand.

So I drew a few conclusions from this. One, it looks very cool. Two, it seems like it might be a kind of mp3 player or speaker. Third, it can "dance" to the beat of the song.

 It looks very cool, and shows Sony still has innovation. 


Thursday, August 30, 2007

Microsoft: ZUNE 2/ZUNE Flash Concept/Mock-up Pics

We've long been wondering what exactly the second generation of ZUNE's would look like, and now we have a better idea. It appears that the ZUNE 2 will hold up to 80GB. Also, the ZUNE Flash will hold 4GB/8GB.

^From Gizmodo^

Although they look kind of cool, I do hope they will come in more colors than that. Bring in a white. Even a brown is better than pink.



Apple: Next-Gen iPod Mockup

  Gizmodo put up a mock up of what is expected to be the next iPod. Speculation is that the iPod will follow the route of the iPhone and be fully touch screen with the Album Art Slider a option for choosing songs.Also, many expect the iPod to run a even more stripped down version of Mac OSX, which would indicate just the iPod portion of the iPhone OS. Of course speculation of this sort has been rampant since Apple filed patents for similar technology earlier in the year. Apple is holding a press conference September 5th, were many expect them to announce and cover the next iteration of the iPod.

From Gizmodo

^From Gizmodo^

Wether this mock up from Gizmodo will be the real deal or not, there is no doubt that the next generation of iPods will be something special. Wether or not it will be worth the money, remains to be seen.



Apple + VW = iCar?

Yes. I can't claim to know anything about the iCar really. From what sources show, it seems that Apple will be putting their personal style in the car as well as integrating it with the Mac OS, similar to Microsoft and Ford. I'll bring more as I hear about it. 

Engadget found this mock-up of what the iCar might look like.


Windows Vista SP1 Initial Reaction

 Many companies and business partners of Microsoft have been keen to stay away from Vista until the first service pack. Microsoft continued to deny it's existence and insisted that "Vanilla Vista" was stable and secure enough for business to run. Finally after 5 months of denial, Microsoft has fessed up.

Many people may still have the idea of a service pack being like SP2 for XP. Sp2 was a rarity. Service packs are supposed to be more like a large collection of bug fixes and some small fixes here or there to make the OS more stable, not to add new functionally like SP2 did.

I got my hands on the August beta of Sp1, and it's like I thought. It has various fixes to stability, security, and some performance tweaks to IE and other programs to make them run a tad faster. The major thing about SP1 is a complete re-haul of the kernel. Basically, they enhanced the security on it.

And that's about it. Microsoft has a overview of the changes HERE at their site. And, Sp1 is due out the same time as Windows Server 2008, in Q1.



The Future Now!

The basic essence of this blog is to discuss new tech, gadgets, movies, video games, comics, and TV shows. This will also be the new home of SeligaBlog. A few updates before we go all crazy. First off, if you take a look  to the left, there are links and widgets from other popular sites I use. For refrence, here are the sites I use frequently that are Web 2.0.

Now, at all of these sites, you will be able to locate by my new net handle, "mSeliga". Also, my new "net" email is I look forward to a long and great time here.

